December 2011 Manila, Philippines
Yves Carcell, Louis Vuitton’s CEO at the time so happened to be visiting the Philippines for some sort of cocktail party in his honor and the stars aligned for Mr. Kahn who was a Sales Associate at the Manila branch at the time. Mr. Kahn was called to the store that day to perform for the CEO so he suited up and presented to him and the Louis Vuitton staff with a World-Class demonstration.
Louis Vuitton Yo-yo

A one of a kind steel Yo-yo in Louis Vuitton's classic damier graphite pattern with a palladium coat designed by Perrine Desmons

Interestingly enough, yoyo demonstrations like Ernest’s do have a historical context with Louis Vuitton. In the 1920s when the Yo-yo was first introduced in France, exhibitions of this new toy were done in the store window of the Champs Elysees store in Paris.
It's not every day that you see yo-yo mastery at a Vuitton store, or that a Vuitton sales associate gets to meet the CEO of the company. Clearly, it was Kahn's lucky day--Yves was so impressed with the exhibition that he even asked for a picture with him and promised to have a custom Louis Vuitton Yo-yo in the famous damier graphite print made just for him and this is it.

He shouted "I'll help him!" and boy did he just do that! One-week after the news got out Ernest landed a sponsorship with CLYW one of the most prestigious Yo-yo companies in the world .